Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

Best Action Movie Ever: James Cameron's Terminator

Best Action Movie Ever: James Cameron's Terminator
by: Dana Young

"The Terminator" is an true blockbuster classic; for me personally, it's the best action movie I've ever seen (to me, of course!). Although its sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, is far superior technologically and visually, this first film in the franchise is by far the best of them all, and in no small part thanks to James Cameron's brilliant script and direction in which he creates a moody, atmospheric landscape within which a battle between man and machine is waged, and yet a love story about star-crossed lovers is the true heart of the movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger found his signature role, and some might say the only role he truly fits like a glove, a killer robot from the future with a deadly mission to kill Sarah Connor, the future mother of the human resistance leader against the machines in the future. Unlike other sci-fi films, which tend to border on the silly or amusing side, this is a film you can take absolutely seriously, even with Arnie in the lead, and is a thrilling ride from start to finish.

After being treated to a post-apocalyptic nightmare of the future in the film's opening prologue, the film begins with Arnie's arrival as the Terminator in LA. He arrives completely naked, a fact that some street punks find amusing until the Terminator kills them in order to take their clothes. From there, we're introduced to Sarah and her normal life, and then to Kyle Reese, a human sent back in time to help protect Sarah from the Terminator. All three eventually come together in one particularly tense sequence in a night club where the Terminator reveals himself to everyone, pulls out his gun and is just about to shoot Sarah when Reese intervenes and saves her.

By today's standards the visualisation of the Terminator on screen (at least in the end) looks a little old-fashioned and clunky but it's no less thrilling. We are treated to a number of full body shots at the end which are stop motion and stilted, but this doesn't detract from the thrills, especially when in one sequence where we think the Terminator has been destroyed, twice, and he still gets up again. There's a great scene in the documentary on the bonus disc where the composer, upon first seeing this scene, says, "if that things gets up one more time I swear I'll... &%$#!". It's very suspenseful and entertaining.

Linda Hamilton does an amicable job as the vulnerable Sarah Connor; she's the girl next door who finds herself in an extraordinary situation and has to learn to adapt to an entirely new life once the Terminator enters the picture. Michael Biehn plays Kyle Reese with an almost manic intensity, driven to protect Sarah Connor at all costs. Throughout the film we are slowly treated to a more human side to the character who comes to fall in love with Sarah and thus conceive the leader of the human resistance, John Connor. Biehn does an excellent job, more so because it falls on his shoulders to explain everything that's happening, something I'm sure he wouldn't have relished. But at the same time, it's to Cameron's credit that this exposition which would have been boring otherwise is always told in the middle of a tense action sequence, so it's never boring.

Perhaps what sets this film apart from most action films is that everything is driven by the drama of the story, something you don't often find. So when the Terminator is chasing our heroes in a spectacular car chase with gun going off and parts of the city getting destroyed, we can still feel the tension and the drama in the scene for the characters rather than being a spectacular technical feat which so often happens in so many action films. As a result, you're constantly wondering if they are going to be able to stay one step ahead of the unstoppable cyborg.

"The Terminator" is a truly awesome film; it might be a little dated now, but it's no less great than when it was first released.

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